TT52 Tailoring Effective Communication with MasterTalk's Brenden Kumarasamy!
Are you sitting comfortably Tailoring Talkers? CLASS IS IN SESSION as I"m joined by the Master of Communication and host of MasterTalk on YouTube, Brenden Kumarasamy! With over 25,000 subscribers to date, Brenden"s MasterTalk channel on YouTube is an absolute must subscribe... and this episode of Tailoring talk is an absolute MUST LISTEN! After coaching many business students on how to give amazing presentations for 2 years, Brenden quickly realised that public speaking is a very difficult subject to master. There are many nuances and generalities that make people afraid to get on stage and present confidently. Because of this, Brenden created MasterTalk to help all of us master our talk through his fun yet highly impactful lessons on all aspects of communication. I guarantee you will learn much and have lots of fun with Brenden - the most valuable 60 minutes you"ll invest in this week! Enjoy! Get in touch! Got a particular Bond film you love? Would you like to be on the show to review and discuss it with Roberto? Then what are you waiting for, get in touch! Email Roberto at tailoringtalkpodcast@gmail.com or get in touch via the show"s new Instagram page @tailoringtalkpodcast ! Links: Roberto on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/robertorevillalondon Tailoring Talk on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/tailoringtalkpodcast Subscribe to MasterTalk on YouTube Now! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBYFP4mZLQovr7W6Si6sueA Brenden"s MasterTalk website: https://www.mastertalk.ca/ Brenden on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masteryourtalk/ Brenden on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mastertalkyt/ Brenden on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendenkumarasamy/ Credits: Tailoring Talk intro and outro music by Wataboy on Pixabay Tailoring Talk Edited & Produced by Roberto Revilla Message The Show Directly & Join The Conversation ! Support the show You can now support the show and help me to keep having inspiring, insightful and impactful conversations by subscribing! Visit https://www.buzzsprout.com/1716147/support and thank you so much in advance for helping the show! Links: Roberto on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/robertorevillalondon Tailoring Talk on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/tailoringtalkpodcast Tailoring Talk on YouTube https://youtube.com/@tailoringtalk Credits Tailoring Talk Intro and Outro Music by Wataboy / TVARI on Pixabay Edited & Produced by Roberto Revilla Connect with Roberto head to https://allmylinks.com/robertorevilla Email the show at tailoringtalkpodcast@gmail.com
From "The Tailoring Talk Magazine"
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