Top 3 Mistakes Podcast Guests Make When Pitching Hosts

29 Aug 2023 • 20 min • EN
20 min
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Being a guest on podcasts is a powerful way to amplify your brand, increase your fanbase, and make more sales. But so many guests mess it up by writing terrible pitches. Sending a well-crafted, customized pitch will make it much easier to get a “yes” from the host. As a podcast host, I reject more than 90% of the pitches I receive. They tend to be that bad. It’s sad because I’m sure that many of the people behind the pitches would make good guests. But we hosts don’t have the time to do all the work that the potential guest should have done for us before they pitched us. In this episode, I share:Some of the benefits of being a podcast guestsExamples of typical (bad) pitches I receive from guestsThe top 3 mistakes potential guests make when pitching hostsHow you can fix these mistakes so you can make it easier for a host to say “yes” to having you on their show Resources: PodMatch PodRep.Pro: Podcast booking agency for guests and hosts --

From "Podcast Launchpad with Angela Kelly Smith"

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