Too Cool for School

29 Feb 2024 • 73 min • EN
73 min
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If the American Enterprise Institute were a prison, education policy scholars Rick Hess and Michael McShane would be the leaders of its most feared inmate gang. Today, they join Jonah not simply to pressure him into swearing loyalty, but to discuss their new book, Getting Education Right: A Conservative Vision for Improving Early Childhood, K-12, and College. It’s no secret that America’s education system is struggling, but what can actually be done to reform it? What does it mean to be a conservative in education? Are teachers paid enough? And does the Department of Education have any reason to exist? Show Notes: -Rick’s page at AEI -Mike’s page at AEI -Rick and Mike’s new book, Getting Education Right -The Remnant with Brad Wilcox -Rick and Mike: “The Past and Future of Education Reform” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

From "The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg"

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