Jim O'Shaughnessy & Todd Goodwin , Infinite Loops

Todd Goodwin — “Revelation is not Resolution”

17 Aug 2023 • 76 min • EN
76 min
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Board Certified hypnotist & Goodwin Hypnosis founder Todd Goodwin joins us for his second appearance to discuss why we should treat the mind like a garden, why revelation is not the same as resolution, why labels can be counterproductive, and much more! Important Links: Goodwin Hypnosis Goodwin Hypnosis’ YouTube Todd’s first episode Luca Dellanna’s episode Our episode on Dr John Sarno Show Notes: Treating the symptoms vs treating the cause Gardening the mind “Revelation is not resolution” Why aren’t hypnosis & NLP more popular? Could Todd’s work be filmed? Why labeling conditions can be counterproductive Clearing the emotional charge from traumatic memories Top-down vs. Bottom-up solutions Hypnosis as a way of reclaiming agency How we are shaped by childhood experiences Why we need a more compassionate criminal system MORE! Books Mentioned: Healing Back Pain; by John E. Sarno  

From "Infinite Loops"

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