There are 3.5 million professional truck drivers who keep our country rolling with their hard work. Truck drivers are an essential part of our economy. Trucking Moves America Forward (TMAF) is a huge supporter of commercial drivers with awareness campaigns and its annual National Truck Driver Appreciation Week which happens every September. Their Thank A Trucker campaign pays homage to America’s professional drivers on the front lines who move 112.5 billion tons of our nations freight every year. Tune into this episode of The Truckers Network Radio Show when Shelley Johnson talks with Keven Burch, TMAF co-chair and M.T.S. VP of Sales & Governmental Affairs about how this year’s campaign went, how they are honoring drivers and the progress they are making in gaining respect for commercial drivers and trucking. https://truckingmovesamerica.com/https://truckerspodcasts.com/ #Trucking #TruckDrivers #CommercialDrivers #TruckDriverAppreciationWeek #Truckers #TruckingMovesAmericaForward #TMAF #TheTruckersNetworkRadioShow #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #TruckersPodcastsCom
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