Change Your Mindset to Match Your Destiny with John Assaraf
Meet John Assaraf John Assaraf is one of the leading mindset and behavioral experts in the world who has appeared numerous times on Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. John built 5 multimillion-dollar companies; one went public on NASDAQ and one, RE/MAX of Indiana, grew to 1,200 sales associates and $4.5 billion a year in sales. He has written a new bestselling book, Innercise: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power, in addition to his 2 New York Times Bestselling books (Having It All and the Answer) that have been translated to 35 languages. John has been featured in 10 movies, including the blockbuster hit “The Secret” and "Quest For Success" with Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama. Today, he is the founder and CEO of MyNeuroGym.com, a company dedicated to using the most advanced technologies and evidence-based brain training methods to help individuals strengthen their mindset and emotional skills, so they unleash their inner power and maximize their results. This is not a conversation to miss for so many reasons. John Assaraf shared vulnerably about his challenging upbringing and life as a teen selling drugs and getting into trouble. You would never have guessed this was his earlier life experience from who he is today. We started with the important question about understanding the power of mindset. The Power of Mindset Carol Dweck wrote the fantastic book, Mindset, which addresses the core idea that we either fall into the category of having an open mindset, meaning willingness and belief you can change, or a fixed mindset, which is the erroneous belief that you are unable to change your thoughts, habits and life. John poses some questions to ask yourself when tapping into how to change your mindset. Where's my awareness of my thoughts and behaviors? Where does focus come in? John Assaraf encourages us to all be radically honest about our actions and beliefs. Ask yourself, Why am I doing this? What are my motivators, both external and internal? Be honest with yourself without judgment, blame, shame or justification. When we look from an open mindset and that of curiosity, we can see patterns and triggers that can empower us to change. This is how you can begin to let go of paradigms, beliefs, and ideas that are not right. John shared that "There are a lot of opportunities to be brilliantly dumb. It's in surrendering and learning that we're most brilliant." The One Question to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Desires John Assaraf talked about the synchronicity of meeting his mentor, Allen Brown, back in the '80s at a time when he was on the verge of going to jail or ending up dead. Allen asked him at the ripe age of 19 what his goals and dreams were. John wrote down what he envisioned at the time; retiring at 45, traveling first class, traveling the world, etc. Allen then shared the most powerful question that changed John's life and lens on what was possible. He asked: "Are you interested, or are you committed to achieving these goals?" John thought about it and wasn't sure what he meant. Allen explained that being committed, you'll do whatever it takes to upgrade your habits, beliefs, skills, and identity to match your destiny. First, you make the decision to do something. Then you figure out how. The how already exists, and you must get rid of any 'buts' that will thwart your commitment. You have to practice a little bit each day being the person you want to be. You need to ask yourself what habits are required to achieve your goals and do a little each day towards your goal. Over time, with pure commitment to pursue your desires no matter what, you will become the person achieving your goals. When you're committed, there are no excuses. That is the true power of mindset-moving from wishing to commitment. You Are Worthy of Your Goals The energy that created you is within you. This greater infinite intelligence is part of you. As John said, let's play from there. Remember that you are inherently worthy, and as you stay connected to this truth, you can truly live your highest potential and achieve your deepest desires and goals. Be on the relentless pursuit for radical honesty with yourself and ask yourself if you are interested or committed to your heart's desires. If you're committed, there's no way it can't happen. Final Thoughts John Assaraf reminds us that with the power of mindset, our efforts can become limitless. That is if we choose between interested and wishful thinking versus being committed to the cause. If you are looking for how to change your mindset, remember to ask yourself the questions John poses above to get yourself moving on the right track. Looking To Help Others Know Who They Are and Design Their Best Life? If you are feeling a strong urge to help other big-hearted empaths get unstuck and design their best life, you've got to check out my Life Designer Coach Academy. It is a world-class four-month virtual live coach certification program that will give you proven tools, techniques, practices, and methodology to be a powerful coach. This coaching program is for aspiring and current coaches looking to fill in the missing pieces and gain confidence and mastery both in the coaching core competencies and the integrative health modalities from a mind-body science, positive psychology, and healing arts perspective. To learn more, go to juliereisler.com/certification. Sacred Connection As always, this community is a sacred, safe place built on love and acceptance. It was created to help you evolve and expand into your highest self. Please share your wisdom, comments, and thoughts. I love hearing from you and learning how you are being your truest, you-est you. Please join us in our Facebook group The You-est You® Community for Soul Seekers Join host Julie Reisler, author and multi-time TEDx speaker, each week to learn how you can tap into your best self and become your You-est You® to achieve inner peace, happiness, and success at a deeper level! Tune in to hear powerful, inspirational stories and expert insights from entrepreneurs, industry thought leaders, and extraordinary human beings that will help to transform your life. Julie also shares a-ha moments that have shaped her life and career and discusses key concepts from her book Get a PhD in YOU Here's to your being your you-est you! Enjoying the show? 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