David Cay Johnston Connects the Dots Between the Ukraine Scandal, Donald Trump the De Facto Crime Family Boss, and Impeachment
David Cay Johnston has been writing about and observing Donald Trump for more than thirty years. He is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter and author of the bestselling book "The Making of Donald Trump." His recent book is "It's Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration is Doing to America." Johnston explains why the Ukraine scandal should not be a surprise given Donald Trump’s many years of success as a white collar criminal – skills he learned from his father as well as mentor Roy Cohen. He also highlights how the testimony of Ambassador Sondland is key in exposing the tendrils of Trump’s and the Republican Party’s betrayal of America and the rule of law. David Cay Johnston also details what the articles of impeachment against Donald Trump should include and why the 2020 presidential election is so important if the American people want to protect their democracy and liberties and not be fully conquered by a fascist tyrant in the form of Donald Trump or his much more dangerous Republican successors. WHERE CAN YOU FIND ME? On Twitter: https://twitter.com/chaunceydevega On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chauncey.devega My email: chaunceydevega@gmail.com Leave a voicemail for The Truth Report: (262) 864-0154 HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT THE TRUTH REPORT? Via Paypal at ChaunceyDeVega.com Music at the end of this week's episode of The Truth Report is by JC Brooks & the Uptown Sound. You can listen to some of their great music on Spotify.
From "The Truth Report with Chauncey DeVega"
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