#642 Bitcoin and Human Rights with Alex Gladstein
Alex Gladstein is the Chief Strategy Officer at the Human Rights Foundation and the Vice President of Strategy for the Oslo Freedom Forum since its inception in 2009. In this conversation, we discuss bitcoin, human rights, Afghanistan, Cuba, Nigeria, bitcoin development fund, the Oslo Freedom Forum, and what you can do at home to pitch in. ======================= Gemini is a leading regulated cryptocurrency exchange, wallet, and custodian that makes it simple and secure to buy, sell, store, and earn bitcoin, ether, and over 40 other cryptocurrencies. Offering industry-leading security, insurance and uptime, Gemini is the go-to trusted platform for beginner and sophisticated investors alike. Open a free account in under 3 minutes at gemini.com/pomp and get $20 of bitcoin after you trade $100 or more within 30 days. ======================= MiamiCoin, the first CityCoin, is now live! Mining began on August 3rd, and the community has already generated over $1 million of protocol contributions reserved for the City of Miami. This is a community-launched program built on Bitcoin, and it’s far more than a currency: MiamiCoin is a protocol, and a platform for innovation. So, the CityCoins team is announcing something pretty cool: MiamiCoin Makers Month is a bringing together hackers, designers, and creators who are passionate about creating apps to benefit the City of Miami. $25k in total prizes will be awarded to developers who build the winning apps. And, the winners will be announced by Ryan Hoover, founder of Product Hunt, and Bored Elon Musk, everybody’s favorite pseudonymous Twitter inventor and blockchain enthusiast. Visit MiamiMakers.co to learn more and sign up to take part. =======================
From "The Pomp Podcast"
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