486: Brent Beshore - Growth Without Goals, Continuous Improvement, & The Art Of Sales
Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of "Mindful Monday." You, along with 10,000+ learners will receive a carefully curated email from me each Monday morning to help you start your week off right. Full show notes at www.LearningLeader.com Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 https://twitter.com/RyanHawk12 Brent Beshore is the Founder and CEO of Permanent Equity, a Midwestern-based private equity firm. They take a long-term approach to private equity, investing "permanent equity" in small to midsize privately held companies throughout North America. He’s also the best-selling author of The Messy Marketplace. Notes: Growth without goals – Listed as one of Brent's foundations. “We believe the best path to sturdy growth is not a plan, but a posture.” It’s a belief in continuous improvement, optimism shining through some thick scars, and a healthy dose of humility. Growth comes from what you know you don't know. (which feels terrible). The harm comes from what you think you know or what you don't know you don't know. (which feels great or oblivious) Progress isn't made by sweeping proclamation or grand strategy. It's built by unglamorous daily activities that are often overlooked and under-appreciated. In March 2016, Brent wrote a medium post about how to sell… “Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.” — Zig Ziglar You have 30 minutes one-on-one with someone you know nothing about other than they are wildly successful personally and professionally. What questions do you ask to understand their life, tease out their life philosophy, and get advice? Great questions are the key that unlocks everything. Stop talking about yourself and be a student of others. No matter how important you think relationships are, they’re more important. Reliability is a superpower. Do what you say you would when you said you’d do it, for the price you said you’d do it for. Every single time. If you’re ever more focused on other people’s shortcomings than your own, you’re the problem. Important Qualities: High intellectual honesty Humility Optimism Life as a dad: "You will never be happier than your least happy child." "Culture is nothing more than what you reward and punish." Buffett and Munger" - "Both are thoughtful, kind, and generous." Enjoy life: "I didn't enjoy it in my 20's... Try to have an inner temperature of joy." It's important to sit down with sages... Older people: Ask, "How do you mark your days?" "We all have time for things we prioritize." Sales is a dirty word for a lot... It doesn't need to be. The best salespeople Brent knows aren't selling. They share what they know and how it could potentially help others. "Invite people into your world. Share a vision. Help them understand the cause. Give them an invitation to go along with you." Capital Camp - Shock people with hospitality. Help create meaningful relationships. Surround them with care and excellence. Writing - Use humor. Write like you talk. Brent chooses to be light-hearted because that's how he is in real life. Keys to being a great Dad: Love them unconditionally because of who they are We have confused what love is Show them love by what you don't tolerate
From "The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk"
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