2/9/18 - 'Shut it Down or Take it All'? (Bill O'Reilly joins Glenn)
Hour 1 Bravo to Rand Paul and Mike Lee... ‘the process matters’...Dictators Mitch and Chuck?...Entertaining TV = C-SPAN ...'Natural' gas station disaster in Afghanistan ...What's going on with the Libertarian Party?...Millennials more likely to identify as libertarian...missing opportunities ...Happy Birthday, Stu!.. ‘you’re welcome’ ...Kind and Gentle coffee...AmericanPrideRoasters.com ...A brand-new political Party of Principles is greatly needed ...The Jared Fogle Party? Hour 2 Olympic coin toss and the stock market...lucky bet either way ...Mental yoga with Bill O'Reilly...Bill's 'tip of the day’?...Budget dictatorships ...Collusion! Collusion!...more indictments coming from every which way...FBI had it out for Donald Trump?...Rob Porter and unrighteous dominion?...a man must know his limitations ...Trump’s wall is coming...Walls do work...look at Israel...fearing the media 'cartel' ...America is not losing jobs to China...even China is turning to automation…here comes FoxConn? Hour 3 Sour grapes to sore loser...US Olympian plays race card after coin toss...In Honor and Memory of Jon Huntsman Sr...'honorable father figure'...secondhand cakes?... ‘a genre of cake’…who says ‘you’re welcome’ instead of ‘happy birthday’?…so much paisley...Nancy Pelosi and her grandson's (racist?) birthday wish?...why is this OK but not the opposite scenario?....she's body-shaming at best? ...No honor in honesty ...Happy Birthday Glenn! The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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