11/7/18 - 'Gloating Graciously'?/ Guest Bill O'Reilly
Hour 1 Everyone stay calm...but not gracious?...it was not an 'optical' night for either side...the Best night for Texas Democrats in a generation (turning purplish)...Media Shock and Awe?...More 'Trumpy' caucus...'big heartbreaks'...'not a blue wave'...'maybe it's a red wave'...Romney Republicans went for the Democrats...'the Left are trapped' going forward to 2020?...War within the Democrat Party...Middle American Democrat = Extinct...the Democrat Socialists are not going anywhere...the Left is about to get nastier...Target 2020: getting rid of the electoral college ...Pat Gray's prayers have come true?...Trump trade war is going to kill the economy, IF it continues ...fearing Google's influence on elections...TheCreepyLine.com Hour 2 Bill O'Reilly's take on last night’s Mid-term election results?...Reasons why the GOP lost the House?...Trump needs to pick his battles going forward...people don't want chaos when they're trying to make a living...Trump's 2020 chances have just gotten better...and could re-win the House in 2020? ...Why Joe Biden was the Democrats big winner last night?...Bill asks 'what's going on in Texas'?...Glenn explains why Ted Cruz has lost his Texas flare?...'very wooden'...why he and Mike Lee have cozied up to President Trump?...Did Trump save Cruz? ...Looking back at 'Wave Elections' past?...The Lefts tactics backfired once again...the Kavanaugh witch hunt hurt ...Caller Mark from Rhode Island blames NPR for the Democratic Socialist victories ...'How do we stop them?' ...Flashback: Hanging Chad? Hour 3 Attention Post modernists?...Massachusetts to the transgender and non-binary people’s “public protection" rescue? ...We Are beginning to come together?...Conservative connections?...Bill O'Reilly, CRTV, Newsmax, Ben Shapiro and The Daily Caller...All the conservative media outlets played nice last night ...Stu goes over all the Winner and Losers?...Ex-cons voting?...Obamacare helped Republicans in the Heartland...pot passed everywhere?...Hoarding tampons with the 'Pink Tax' wormhole? ...Enough with the Historic FIRSTS...the FIRST woman, the FIRST black, the FIRST Hermaphrodite? ...Wow! Keith Ellison won last night while Bob Menendez (NJ) Wins Again! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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