Kate J. Armstrong & Ruth Goodman , The Exploress

A Lady's Life in Tudor England, Part 5: Let's Get Dressed

13 Sep 2021 • 23 min • EN
23 min
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Season 3, Episode 5. What the Tudor woman wears, and particularly what type of fabrics, will depend a lot on her level of wealth and social station, but they're all wearing the same basic layers. Let's explore those layers, as well as other clothes-related gems: why we design our clothing to come in many pieces, the origin of the word 'spinster', and why we have such a large number of straight pins. For show notes, suggested reading, a list of my sources and more, go to my website. The era-appropriate guitar music in this episode comes courtesy of John Sayles. To find out more about our guest Ruth Goodman, check out her website.

From "The Exploress"

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