BlockFi's Zac Prince: Building A Fintech Platform For The Crypto Market
Host Tom Shaughnessy of Delphi Digital ( is joined by Zac Prince, The Co-Founder and CEO of BlockFi. BlockFi provides basic financial products in the blockchain ecosystem including high-interest crypto accounts and low cost credit products to clients globally. Follow Tom on Twitter @Shaughnessy119 Follow Zac on Twitter @BlockFiZac Disclosure: Tom Shaughnessy owns tokens in ETH, DCR, MKR, ZRX and HYDRO. This podcast is NOT investment advice and is only informational. Do not make investment decisions based upon this podcast. Delphi Digital was not compensated by any party for this podcast episode other than Podbean's advertisers. This content is strictly informational. - Advertisers: To advertise on this podcast, email Potential Guests: If you're interested in appearing on the podcast, email -
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