Richard Yan & Hasu + Mike Kelly , The Blockchain Debate Podcast

Motion: Nation-state attack on Bitcoin is an unresolved ticking time-bomb (Mike Kelly vs. Hasu)

29 Jun 2020 • 91 min • EN
91 min
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Guests: Mike Kelly (@mikekelly85) Hasu (@hasufl) Host: Richard Yan (@gentso09) Today’s motion is “Nation-state attack on the bitcoin network is an unresolved ticking time bomb.” In this thorough and fascinating debate, we covered these topics:The motivations of nationstate attacksThe mechanisms of nationstate attacksThe aftermath of nationstate attacksThe preventive mechanism of nationstate attacks The idea for this debate was born out of a twitter discussion, where someone posted a video of Andreas Antonopoulos dismissing the threat on bitcoin from nationstates. Now, while you’re here, be sure to also check out our previous episodes too. We’ve featured some of the best known thinkers in the crypto space. And it was great to have a few no-coiners on. I always appreciate their agreeing to do the show, and adding perspectives to what sometimes seem like an echo chamber. If you would like to debate or want to nominate someone, please DM me at @blockdebate on Twitter. Please note that nothing in our podcast should be construed as financial advice. Source of select items discussed in the debate:32 states have introduced legislation accepting or promoting the use of Bitcoin and blockchain distributed ledger technology regulations on Bitcoin and blockchain

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