Adam Green - Young Living
Adam Green of “The Green Team” built a Young Living team of 50,000 members strong, with 4,000 people joining each month … all before the age of 30! This record-breaking Canadian and author of “25 to Life: Jailbreak Your 9–5 & Escape to Financial Freedom” became Young Living’s youngest member to reach their highest rank of Royal Crown Diamond at age 25! So how did this former personal trainer who was living for the weekend “retire” at age 22 and become one of the most inspiring Network Marketers of our time? Don’t miss this interview with his good friend Richard Brooke as he shares his keys to success, how to best leverage your time, the mentality to get unstuck, and lots more! Millennials and seasoned networkers alike will love hearing what Adam has to say!
From "The Authentic Networker"
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