The Wallace & Gromit Method of Plotting with D.V. Bishop

03 Feb 2025 • 59 min • EN
59 min
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In this episode of The Write Place, I’m joined by award-winning historical crime novelist D.V. Bishop for a deep dive into the craft of storytelling, structure, and writing with confidence. D.V. shares his Wallace & Gromit approach to plotting—laying the tracks just ahead of the train as he writes—and why mystery writers don’t always need to know the ending before they begin. We discuss the pressures of writing under contract, the benefits of finishing Book Two before Book One is published, and how to find the balance between planning and discovery. He also reveals the book that changed his life (and career), the unexpected way he researches characters, and why Call the Midwife helped him write a convent full of nuns. If you’ve ever wrestled with plotting, structure, or self-doubt, this episode is packed with insight, inspiration, and plenty of laughs. His latest book is Divine Fury - check it out here. Connect with D.V. Bishop: 📖 Website 📷 Instagram: @CesareAldo 🌐 BlueSky: @DVBishopcom LINKS TO FREEBIES! Writer"s Survival Kit - The Call Back teaser version - Follow The Write Place on Facebook

From "The Joined Up Writing Podcast"

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