Jennifer is a social psychologist and hypnotist who helps her clients overcome their fears and insecurities so they can feel more empowered, confident, and fulfilled - both in their personal life and business For the past 17 years she’s been helping others become happier, healthier, and more successful - first as a personal fitness trainer and now as a hypnotist. It is her mission to help others understand how their subconscious mind works, so they can make it work FOR them instead of AGAINST them. Most of us are not even aware of all the subconscious programming that is going on behind the scenes. Contact Jennifer to chat further: https://www.jenniferfidder.com/contact/ Kathryn Wilking: Author, Decorator, Feng Shui Expert , Podcast Host Website : https://www.kathrynwilking.com Email: kathryn@kathrynwilking.com Linked In: Kathryn Wilking YOU TUBE: @KathrynWilking Podcast: Feng Shui Your Day BOOKS: https://practicalfengshuifortheoffice.com The Feng Shui Advantage by Kathryn Wilking Practical Feng Shui for the Office by Kathryn Wilking FREE GIFT : ’10 Ways to Raise Chi-Energy in any Space’ www.kathrynwilking.com/resources TAKE THE PEP QUIZ: (Personal Element Profile) https://www.kathrynwilking.com/resources/pepquiz/ Let’s Get Your Space Working for you!
From "Feng Shui Your Day"
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