The Secret to Podcast Success: Discovering Your Unique Angle
In a sea of podcasts, how do you make yours stand out? This episode dives deep into finding your podcast"s unique angle - that special something that sets your show apart. I’ll share actionable steps to help you clarify your focus and create a podcast that truly shines in a growing industry. This week, episode 187 of Listeners to Leads is about discovering your unique angle! In this episode of Listeners to Leads, I’m sharing the importance of identifyinfg the audience you’re trying to reach and actionable steps you can take right now to ask for valuable feedback from your listeners. I also chat about the following: How having a unique angle helps build authority and credibility.Identifying your passions and expertise.Focusing on underserved audiences with unmet needs within your niche.Asking for honest feedback about your content from your audience and trusted people. Don’t forget to head over to to download our FREE Podcast Launch Roadmap! You can also sign up for our upcoming Podcast Launch Workshop! Be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive tons of practical tips on turning your podcast listeners into leads and to hear even more about the points outlined above. Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me! And don’t forget to follow, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways! Learn more about Listeners to Leads at CONNECT WITH ALESIA GALATI: Instagram LinkedIn Work with Galati Media! LINKS MENTIONED: Listeners to Leads Ep 132: Securing High-Profile Guests with Courtney Elmer Proud member of the Feminist Podcasters Collective.
From "Listeners to Leads"
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