The Power of Mindset in Mortgage Lending

12 Dec 2023 • 29 min • EN
29 min
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Join Kellen Vaughan and Kenneth Travis in this week’s episode as they discuss the power your mindset has on your success. They explore the idea that positivity not only shapes your personal growth but also plays a pivotal role in attracting people and business opportunities. Tune in to discover how cultivating a positive outlook can become your secret weapon for building valuable relationships and boosting your success in both life and business.   2:45 – Power of Positive Mindset  10:00 – Making the Impossible Possible  14:07 – Power of Reciprocity   Takeaways:  The path of a mortgage loan officer can be likened to climbing a mountain; having the right tools and strategies is essential to reaching the summit.  Understanding the principle of reciprocity can encourage others to want to help you without needing a direct request.  By maintaining a positive mindset and building authority, you can position yourself as the go-to expert in your field.  Quotes:  “When you have a positive mindset, you have a growth-oriented mindset and you’re going to have greater success.”   “The mortgage loan officer journey is a lot like climbing a mountain – you have to have the right tools to reach that peak.”  “The optimistic way to be is the only way to be.”  “Staying in an optimistic mindset builds that likability and trust with your partners and clients.”  “The power of reciprocity in your business is non-negotiable.”  “Loan officers a lot of times use scarcity to their detriment and not to their benefit.”  “Authority and credibility significantly influence people.”  “People want to be around people that are optimistic about the future.”  “It"s positioning yourself to be an expert and to be the one people rely on.”  “You will come out on the other side if you stay committed and keep that positive mindset.”  Show Links:  Community Platform:   Podcast Partner:   Social Media:  Facebook -   YouTube -   LinkedIn – 

From "Next Level Loan Officers"

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