The One That Got Away

25 Nov 2024 • 67 min • EN
67 min
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Chances are, you either have a “one that got away,” ARE the one that got away, or have dated someone who is still hung up on the one that got away. We’re talking about it all – why we have this person, why men tend to have them more than women, how to get over them, and why it’s good if you DON’T have one. We’re also sharing our personal experiences with it, and the reasons our listeners say they aren’t over that ex. Before we get into the topic, we’re discussing the question “Should you tell your partner about your past flings?” Plus, we’re giving thanks, revealing who’s the better Thanksgiving cook, and sharing advice for handling family with opposing politics/values over the holidays. Enjoy! Follow us on Instagram @girlsgottaeatpodcast, Ashley @ashhess, and Rayna @rayna.greenberg. Visit for tour dates, merchandise, and more. Thank you to our partners this week: Bilt: Get points by paying rent at Skims: Shop Skims Holiday Shop at Addyi:  Learn more at  Fatty15: Get an additional 15% off a 90-day subscription Starter Kit at with code GGE.

From "Girls Gotta Eat"

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