The Morrissey Exchange, Shaw and Partners: Global Fixed Interest. Every dog has their day

23 Jun 2023 • 50 min • EN
50 min
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In a global economic environment where inflation has jumped with zeal, dragging interest rates along with it, the opportunity for justifiable exposure to fixed interest investments has emerged for the first time in a number of decades. Australian Super’s CIO Mark Delaney recently commented that they hold an 18% exposure to bonds, up 70% on last year. US Treasuries, Australian Treasuries, corporate bonds, hybrids, fixed (and floating) interest investments are ripe; its their time in the sun. This follows 2022, the single worst ever year for investing in US Treasuries since 1872. This week we interview Mr Michael Leithead, Head of Fixed Income and Portfolio Manager at EFGAM. Tune in fortnightly/monthly for the latest economic commentary and ideas, and find more information on our website at

From "The Morrissey Exchange"

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