Stacey Harris & Racheal Cook , The More Profitable Podcast with Stacey Harris

Using Your Podcast As A Sales Tool with Racheal Cook

12 Oct 2021 • 39 min • EN
39 min
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Don’t skip this one, you’ve got episode and whole series ideas in this episode, you’ll want to revisit this one. I"m super stoked to sit down with Racheal Cook today. Racheal is one of my favorite people, she is a business strategist and she’s got a great podcast called Promote Yourself to CEO, which is produced by our team here at Uncommonly More. I invited Racheal to join me because, well honestly, I just like nerding out with her about all things marketing and it was time we looped you in on some of these chats. AND we both have a really deep belief and commitment around using your podcast as an asset, building episodes that can be repurposed, that can be reused, that can be shared again and again. In this episode, we’re specifically talking about the differences in two strategies she uses on her show to leverage challenge content to engage her audience. If this is something on your radar for 2022, or even if it’s on your radar for the fourth quarter of this year, we need to talk. It’s time for you and I to sit down because this is the kind of show we produce. This is the kind of work we want to help you create, these are the assets we want to help you build. Find the show notes for this episode at Send us a text Support the show

From "The More Profitable Podcast with Stacey Harris"

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