#PascalNajadi #SWITZERLAND #President #Criminal Pascal Najadi - @Bitcoin1967 on Twitter- , retired investment banker & film producer, joins me to talk about the criminal charges & complaint he has filed against the former health minister and now sitting President of Switzerland, Alain Berset. Pascal explains that Switzerland must declare the COVID law null and void since former Health Minister Alain Berset misguided the public on national TV SRF on October 27th 2021 about the effectiveness of the COVID Certificate. Swiss people would definitely vote with a NO today. Pascal Najadi talks about his extremely interesting and thrilling background and his father's shocking assassination. What events and experiences have given Pascal Najadi the courage & ethos to do something for humanity & peace? We live in truly dystopian times, when a new born baby is literally abducted by New Zealand authorities, because the parents did not wish their critically sick baby to be transfused with blood from mRNA-injected aka "vaccinated" donors, even though there would have been more than enough normal ("unvaccinated") blood available. The emotional, psychological, physical, health-related, economical, & existencial damages and the exponential deaths caused by governments, mainstream media, medical establishment, pharmaceutical corporations, and other institutions, cannot be even evaluated at this moment on a global scale, not to mention the longterm consequences, such as the exponential increase in mortality - caused by the "vaccines". Please, listen to the full interview and share this episode with your friends & family! Huge thanks to Pascal for coming on my show and sharing his knowledge, ethos, & wisdom! https://weltwoche.ch/daily/alain-berset-hat-die-oeffentlichkeit-am-27-oktober-2021-ueber-die-wirksamkeit-der-mrna-impfung-getaeuscht-die-schweiz-muss-das-covid-gesetz-fuer-null-und-nichtig-erklaeren/ https://weltwoche.ch/daily/strafanzeige-gegen-berset-hat-der-gesundheitsminister-waehrend-der-pandemie-die-unwahrheit-gesagt/ Follow Pascal Najadi on twitter: @Bitcoin1967 Share this episode with friends & family! Thank you for your support! Follow & subscribe! twitter: @keyvandavani If you like this episode, please, share it with your friends and family! Follow me on twitter and subscribe to my youtube-channel & Podcast. twitter: @keyvandava Please, share, follow, and subscribe to my youtube-channel & Podcast-show! Share with your friends & family! Subscribe to my youtube-channel & Podcast-show #TheKeyvanDavaniConnection, like, follow, re-tweet, and - if you loved any of my episodes- I would appreciate a 5-star-review on i-tunes or Apple-Podcast. twitter: @keyvandavani If you wish to support my work with Satoshis. PayNym-ID (Samourai Wallet): +summerhall1f2 I would appreciate a positive rating & review on anchor.fm/keyvandavani or any other platform, if you have enjoyed my show. Subscribe to my Podcast-Show on: Apple Podcast: https://apple.co/2IA2dhV Google Podcast: https://bit.ly/31rSymq Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2wOfq1k Breaker: https://bit.ly/2IzhiQO Overcast: https://bit.ly/2R4nnbJ Castbox: https://bit.ly/34DbM97 Pocket-Casts: https://bit.ly/2XElbKv Radio Public: https://bit.ly/2I86iuH twitter: @keyvandavani Website: keyvandavani.com/podcast YouTube: youtube.com/keyvandavani
From "The Davani Connection"
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