KDC #201: The Economic Science of Creative Optimism- with MATTHEW EHRET
#Bitcoin #Science #Technology #Creativity #Innovation #CentralBanks #Money #MassFormationPsychosis Matthew Ehret- one of the most brilliant investigative journalists & lecturers- joins me again to share his knowledge, thoughts, and perspectives on: -Suppression & Manipulation of History & Facts -Mass Formation Psychosis (Mass Hypnosis) - How to awaken people -Newton: charlatan & numerologist -Ratio of Known vs. Unknown -Creative-dynamic problem solving of Human Beings -Kepler: the real genius (Magnetic Hypothesis) -Breaking out of the Newtonian Dogma -Hyperinflationary Time Bomb -The Deep State Parasite -The Central Banking Cartel & Military Industrial - Think Thank-Media-Financial-Complex -Responbility, Courage, & Ideas needed. Check out Matthew Ehret's and Cynthia Chung's (wife) publications and seminars: https://canadianpatriot.org/untold-history-of-canada-books/ https://risingtidefoundation.net/events/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGT7iMe1hCw&t=31s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-ehret-a959201a2/ If you like this episode, please, share it with your friends and family! Follow me on twitter and subscribe to my youtube-channel & Podcast. @keyvandavani Please, share, follow, and subscribe to my youtube-channel & Podcast-show! Share with your friends & family! Subscribe to my youtube-channel & Podcast-show #TheKeyvanDavaniConnection, like, follow, re-tweet, and - if you loved any of my episodes- I would appreciate a 5-star-review on i-tunes or Apple-Podcast. twitter: @keyvandavani If you wish to support my work with dirty Fiat-Money or Satoshis. paypal.me/keyvandavani PayNym-ID (Samourai Wallet): +summerhall1f2 I would appreciate a positive rating & review on anchor.fm/keyvandavani or any other platform, if you have enjoyed my show. Subscribe to my Podcast-Show on: Apple Podcast: https://apple.co/2IA2dhV Google Podcast: https://bit.ly/31rSymq Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2wOfq1k Breaker: https://bit.ly/2IzhiQO Overcast: https://bit.ly/2R4nnbJ Castbox: https://bit.ly/34DbM97 Pocket-Casts: https://bit.ly/2XElbKv Radio Public: https://bit.ly/2I86iuH twitter: @keyvandavani Website: keyvandavani.com/podcast YouTube: youtube.com/keyvandavani Recommended Hardware-Wallets: Coldcard: https://bit.ly/3f6Vgq4 (or use discount-code: DAVANI) --- Bitbox: https://bit.ly/3ynppcs (or use discount-code: DAVANI) --- Keystone: https://bit.ly/3xyJlbx --- Back up your Bitcoin Seeds with Cryptotag: https://bit.ly/3fqjgnb --- Bitcoin-sponsors are welcome! kd@keyvandavani.com Thank you for listening and your support! Keyvan Davani
From "The Davani Connection"
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