Should the Supreme Court of India proceedings be live streamed? | 7 Minutes with Vivek Sood
Should the Supreme Court of India proceedings be live streamed? What are its pros and cons? We try to understand this in detail in this special discussion with Vivek Sood, Supreme Court senior advocate and country’s top legal mind - the man who coined the expression "the fundamental right to internet.” In "7 Minutes with Vivek Sood" he is Untangling Legal Controversies in a simple and easy language for all to understand — Every Saturday at 11 AM Watch here: https://youtu.be/JVqZg9cx2is Listen on top podcast platforms here: https://pod.link/thekajstudio For instant updates on Lives and episodes follow/subscribe to me here, on YouTube at https://bit.ly/3jm0q2N, or on my LinkedIn Page The KAJ Masterclass LIVE, and do tell a few friends if you can.
From "The KAJ Masterclass LIVE"
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