Khudania Ajay
Vivek Sood
The KAJ Masterclass LIVE
Pegasus: Closure and Controversy | 7 Minutes with Vivek Sood
03 Sep 2022
• 10 min
• EN
A special discussion with India Supreme Court Senior Advocate Vivek Sood on the #pegasus issue. In "7 Minutes with Vivek Sood" he is Untangling Legal Controversies in a simple and easy language for all to understand — Every Saturday at 11 AM Watch here: https://youtu.be/Okoe9MhV0ck Listen on top podcast platforms here: https://pod.link/thekajstudio For instant updates on Lives and episodes follow/subscribe me here on this platform, on YouTube at https://bit.ly/3jm0q2N, or on my LinkedIn Page The KAJ Masterclass LIVE, and do tell a few friends if you can.
From "The KAJ Masterclass LIVE"
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