The Inverse Of Clown World. @knutsvanholm @lukedewolf #524
Everything divided by 21 Million equals the inverse of Clown World. $ BTC 97,974 Block Height 882,734 Today's guests on the show are @knutsvanholm and @lukedewolf who join LAuren and me to discuss their book The Inverse Of Clown World. What is Jevons Paradox, and the Prisoners Dilemma and how do you explain these topics to a 13-year-old? Why did Luke and Knut decide to write this book together and what was their process? How did a meeting at the Bitcoin Honey Badger conference in Riga affect Luke's life and why should plebs go to conferences? What other projects are the dynamic duo working on for 2025 and beyond? Learn more about their podcast, books, merch and all the things here: https://www.bitcoininfinityshow.com/ ALL LINKS HERE - FOR DISCOUNTS AND OFFERS - https://vida.page/princey -https://linktr.ee/princey21m Pleb Service Announcements. @orangepillapp That’s it, that’s the announcement. https://signup.theorangepillapp.com/opa/princey Thank you: @swan @relai_app @BitBoxSwiss @ZapriteApp @mempool @OnrampBitcoin for your trust and support. Support the pods via @fountain_app -https://fountain.fm/show/2oJTnUm5VKs3xmSVdf5n Shills and Mench’s: ONRAMP -https://onrampbitcoin.com/?grsf=bitten -Bitcoin Financial and inheritance Services built onMulti-Institutional Custody. Save $250 using code BITTEN Listen to the Onramp Podcast here -https://fountain.fm/show/fnaiifAYNlixGUPfBwXH ZAPRITE -https://zaprite.com/bitten - Invoicing and accounting for Bitcoiners -Save $40 ORANGE PILL APP -https://signup.theorangepillapp.com/opa/princey - find your plebs, meet-ups and conferences. SWAN BITCOIN - www.swan.com/bitten RELAI -www.relai.me/Bitten Use Code BITTEN BITBOX -www.bitbox.swiss/bitten Use Code BITTEN DECRYPTING MONEY -https://www.decryptingmoney.com/ MEMPOOL - https://mempool.space/ +https://mempool.space/sponsor BITCOIN ADVISOR -https://content.thebitcoinadviser.com/bitten KONSENSUS NETWORK - Buy bitcoin books in different languages. Use code BITTEN for 10% discount -https://bitcoinbook.shop?ref=bitten SEEDOR STEEL PLATE BACK-UP - @seedor_io use the code BITTEN for a 5% discount.www.seedor.io/BITTEN STACKING SAThttp://stackinsat.com/signup/?r=Bitten SATSBACK - Shop online and earn back sats!https://satsback.com/register/5AxjyPRZV8PNJGlM HEATBIT - Home Bitcoin mining -https://www.heatbit.com/?ref=DANIELPRINCE - Use code BITTEN. CRYPTOTAG STEEL PLATE BACK-UPhttps://cryptotag.io - USE CODE BITTEN for 10% discount.
From "Once Bitten! A Bitcoin Podcast."
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