The Impact of Sobriety on Business Success: Paul Tinker's Transformation
Natalie talks to Paul Tinker, the founder of the Construction Training Academy, who shares his journey from military service to entrepreneurship and the inspiration behind his business. Together, they delve into topics such as personal growth, overcoming challenges, and finding confidence. Paul emphasises the importance of authenticity and self-belief, highlighting the idea that no one truly cares about you as much as you think they do. Paul also talks about his experiences with quitting alcohol, the impact on his business, and the value of investing in others. KEY TAKEAWAYS Success comes from chasing your purpose and passion, not just money. By aligning your actions with your purpose, success will naturally follow. Understand that change is a part of life and growth. Embrace change and be open to evolving over time. Remember that no one actually cares about you as much as you think. Be yourself and don't worry about meeting others' expectations. Life is a continuous cycle of progression. Enjoy the process and the journey rather than rushing towards an end goal. The results you seek are found in the work you have yet to do. Take action and put in the effort to achieve your desired outcomes. BEST MOMENTS "I was physically screaming, like, with excitement, not with fear, with, this is fucking amazing, sign me up now, I'm in, take my fucking money, take the whole lot, I wanna do it all." "That is hands down the number one reason why I feel that I've progressed so well in business and as a human being in life is through Stopping Booze." "It's not a tattoo. Like, oh, I can't take these off. But these decisions that you make, they're not tattoos, they're not permanent. You can just change them." VALUABLE RESOURCES https://www.facebook.com/groups/confidententrepreneurscollective http://www.nataliearabella.com/club Consultation Call Booking - https://calendly.com/natalie-arabella-bailey/confidencecollective Paul Tinker, the founder of the Construction Training Academy, the UK's leading provider of construction project training to the property space, accredited by the CITB (Construction Industry Training Board) has over 3,000 refurbishment projects up and down the length & breadth of the UK totalling over £300M worth of construction work for both corporate and private clients. He has seen everything there is to see during a project, from sex shows to dead bodies and everything else in between, if Paul hasnt seen, heard or experienced it - in his words - it never happened! A recovered alcoholic, ex-soldier and convict, now on a mission to transform the education standards in the space in a way that brings real world, lived experience to a structured methodology of project delivery. ABOUT THE HOST Natalie Bailey, a Property Developer, Coach, and Mentor, boasts a decade of business acumen, from Bars to Gyms and eCommerce. Now partnered with her mother, Paula, in property development, she empowers others to find confidence and success in health, wealth, and happiness. Her Better Together initiative combats loneliness, aiding entrepreneurs through the Confident Entrepreneurs Club, Mastermind groups, and Retreats. Bridging Mallorca and London, Natalie embodies her teachings. Fitness, wealth, and happiness intertwine in her holistic approach. Dive deeper at www.nataliearabella.com for coaching plans and more info. CONTACT US FACEBOOK- https://www.facebook.com/nataliearabellabailey LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataliegoldstarbep/ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/nataliearabellabailey/ Clubhouse- https://www.clubhouse.com/@nataliearabella TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@nataliearabellab Email - team@nataliearabella.com
From "Mindset Muscle & Money"
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