Helping Remote Communication Suck Less with Josh Little
Well, that was fun. And I love the idea of Volley as on-demand communication. It fits in line with the Toyota Kata stuff around just in time. And I love all of that. I think it's iterative. So you can have more iteration of exactly what you need to remove bottlenecks and to do it right at the last second. Or you know to repeat the questions often enough to remove your bottlenecks one after the other. Which is like speeding up productivity. So I love that. I want to invite you to download a copy of my book at digitalbook.experimentalleader.com. I also want to tell you that it offers an opportunity to buy a workbook where you can chart your progress with that book. I wrote that book, and it took me seven years to write it. I like it when people get a chance to take their learning and to have a place to put that learning. And to keep that learning. There are additional questions there. I always dreamed of having that book be like dog eared and tired, and the pages were marked and highlighted. And the feedback I often get when people finish it is "Oh, my gosh! I need to go back and read again." It's a pretty rich book and has a lot of helpful tips to help you lead a team. And so I'd love to hear from you. If you buy the book and you have feedback. I have a few feedback loops around how people experience the book live, and I'd love to hear that. Well, I challenge you to think about how you change the way you communicate with your team in any way you can think of. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How » Join The Experimental Leader community today:melanieparish.comYouTube
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