At the end of each year the EarthWorks agronomy team gets together for the last podcast of the year. Kevin Hicks, Kirk Castner, Jack Higgins, Joel Simmons and newcomer Marshall Evans go around the table talking about the events of the year, the weather, and some ideas that we have formulated throughout the turf season. It was hot and dry in most corners of the country, even more so in the east and south than the west but it was a tough year all around. Of course, we talked about the many successes that we saw and bounced around some ideas that can make any turf manager's life easier. As research and experience have shown us, a dry hot summer can lead to fairy ring problems the following year. Carbon and soil biology is always on our minds, and we discussed it often in this five way conversation. This a relatively short podcast but is full of the fun and informative information you’ve come to expect from this crew. Everyone at EarthWorks thanks you for all the wonderful support. You have made the EarthWorks Podcast one of the most successful podcasts in the industry. We wish you, and your families, a wonderful holiday season and hope you can enjoy some time off. It won't be long until it's time to cut the grass again! Visit EarthWorks at: Podcasts: 2 Minute Turf Talks:
From "The EarthWorks Podcast"
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