Merry Xmas! Today we exchange stories and personal experiences with bullying in school. We talk about stereotypical nerdy Asian kids when we were growing up and the troubling traumatic time many of them had going to school in America. We discuss the importance of parental awareness and emotional support to help our kids cope psychologically if ever they are bullied. We also debate the merits of Taylor Swift being named Time Magazine's Person of the Year. The discussion devolves into an argument. We then abruptly shift to talking about our wiping techniques after using the bathroom, using wet wipes versus dry toilet paper, bidets, cheap public toilet paper and dealing with unpleasant incomplete evacuation situations. _____________________ If you enjoy this show don't forget to leave a rating Follow Us On Instagram: Join Us On WeChat: THD_Official 小红书: THD The Honest Drink Find us on: Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts, YouTube, 小红书, Ximalaya, 小宇宙, 网易云音乐, Bilibili or anywhere else you get your podcasts.
From "The Honest Drink"
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