Heather Vickery & Michael Boly , The Brave Files

Michael Boly: The Introvert Advantage: Perception Creates Reality

30 Dec 2021 • 50 min • EN
50 min
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Determination • Curiosity • Perception Michael Boly is a Senior in college who truly understands what it takes to live a happy, successful life. Armed with the power to control his reality (hint, this is through controlling his mindset), Michael has overcome many obstacles to become the entrepreneur he is today. Growing up an introvert and looking at all the things he was once too scared to do Michael had an opportunity to break through and become something different - so he took the opportunity and ran with it. Episode Takeaways: Success is about people Determination can change your entire life If you cannot get past your fear you will bring it with you everywhere you go The only way forward is through uncomfortable Get additional details, show notes, links, and a full transcript of the episode here. ORDER YOUR COPY OF F*CK FEARLESS - MAKING THE BRAVE LEAP TODAY, Click Here! Check out The Brave Files Book Collection here!  Get your BRAVE on by joining our exclusive (and FREE) Facebook Collective, Brave on Purpose. Join here.  Share your feedback by emailing heather@vickeryandco.com Grab your BRAVE AF and GRATEFUL AF swag now.   

From "The Brave Files"

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