Do you wish you could spend less time on social media, or maybe even quit it altogether? Tune in for an inspiring discussion with Amelia Knott on her new book The Art of Thriving Online: A Workbook: Creative Exercises to Help You Stay Grounded and Feel Joy in the World of Social Media. Moments with Marianne airs in the Southern California area on KMET1490AM & 98.1 FM, an ABC Talk News Radio affiliate! Amelia Knott, RP, RCAT, is an art psychotherapist who specializes in the mental health impacts of hustle culture and social media. With over a decade of facilitation experience, she offers meaningful mental health care through one-on-one art therapy, group sessions, and workshops, and also hosts Anti-Hustle Art Studio, a resource for coworking sessions to help others carve out time to care for themselves with creativity. She lives in Slocan, BC. For more show information visit:
From "Moments with Marianne"
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