The Art of Self-Kindness: Finding Your Inner Power with Cesar Cardona

19 Mar 2025 • 34 min • EN
34 min
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Send us a text Cesar Cardona"s life reads like a hero"s journey – from a childhood divided between warring parents to gang violence, substance abuse, and ultimately transformation into a powerful voice for healing and unity. "You already have what it takes to become the best version of yourself," Cesar shares in this deeply moving conversation. As a public speaker who teaches actionable steps for healing, growth, and connection, his message carries the weight of hard-won wisdom. Cesar takes us through his remarkable path: growing up between culturally opposing parents who never got along, learning to associate love with loss, finding himself in gang culture, and eventually driving across the country to Los Angeles with nothing but determination. Sleeping in his car for two weeks, he slowly built a new life teaching boxing while battling his inner demons. The turning point came after a devastating accident left him physically and financially broken. Walking into a Buddhist temple began a journey of meditation, therapy, and sobriety that transformed his perspective. When a Joseph Campbell scholar unexpectedly declared "this man is your next speaker" after hearing him speak at a roundtable, Cesar found his calling – despite having no prior experience. What makes this conversation especially powerful is Cesar"s ability to translate personal trauma into universal wisdom. Through the metaphor of cathedral builders – where some workers see only their daily discomfort while others recognize their contribution to something eternal – he reminds us to find meaning beyond our immediate circumstances. As someone of mixed heritage who never felt "enough" for either side of his family, Cesar offers unique perspective on bridging today"s social divides. His newly launched podcast "Beauty in the Break" continues his mission of sharing stories of resilience during difficult times. Whether you"re struggling with personal hardship or seeking greater connection in a divided world, Cesar"s parting wisdom resonates deeply: "You are doing better than you think. You are way stronger than you"re giving yourself credit for, so be kind to yourself." Want to be a guest on Living the Dream with Curveball? Send Curtis Jackson a message on PodMatch, here:

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