John Livesay - The Pitch Whisperer
John Livesay, aka The Pitch Whisperer, is an incredible keynote speaker. His TEDx talk: "Be The Lifeguard of Your Own Life" has over 1,000,000 views and was featured on Larry King’s Show. He has an innate ability to motivate sales teams to turn mundane case studies into compelling case stories so they win Most elevator pitches are boring and confusing. People stumble through them. You want to be inspiring, clear, and soar through your elevator STORY using these five steps. 1. Start a conversation with “You know how...?” 2. Describe who you help. 3. Describe the problem people are having (Hint! Use the word struggle in the description). 4. Describe your solution. 5. The resolution: What is life like for these people after they’ve worked with you? In addition to listening to the episode, you can watch a video of their discussion on our YouTube Channel. And be sure to subscribe to support the podcast! For general information about the podcast, send an email to info@beinhakerlaw.com To follow Mitch and the podcast, go to linktr.ee/beinhakerlaw. You can subscribe and listen to episodes on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Spotify and most other directories. Please review us whenever possible and thanks for your continued support! Sponsorships and paid guest appearances are available. Connect with us by email or on social media. The Accidental Entrepreneur is brought to you with the help of our sponsor, AWeber - the world's leading small business email marketing and automation service provider. Since 1998, AWeber has helped more than 1 million small businesses, entrepreneurs through its suite of web-based email marketing, automation tools and education. AWeber – the best option when it comes to marketing your business. Visit http://bit.ly/3HK3DVB for more information and to sign up for a trial account. We are also brought to you by TAB. Since 1989, The Alternative Board (or TAB) has been one of the leading peer advisory and business coaching organizations for independent business owners and CEOs across the world. By facilitating peer advisory boards, private 1-on-1 coaching and strategic planning services, TAB helps business owners improve their businesses in ways that change their lives. https://www.thealternativeboard.com/jersey-shore-north Also brought to you by Beinhaker Law, a boutique business & estates legal practice in Clark, NJ. To learn about shared outside general counsel services and how to better protect your business, visit https://beinhakerlaw.com/fractional-gen-counsel/ Opening music written and performed by Howie Moscovitch and Made to Order Music. For more information about Howie and his music services, visit https://howiemoscovitch.com/made-to-order-music/ Please support our affiliate sponsor (https://beinhakerlaw.com/podcast-affiliates/) One of One Productions - a New Jersey-based studio, just over the George Washington bridge, that caters to the booming business of podcasting. Be sure to check out the guesting kit that they've created exclusively for our listeners! https://one-of-one-productions.myshopify.com/products/mitchell-beinhakers-guesting-kit Also, support the show and get your own podcast merch! (https://beinhakerlaw.com/podcast-store/) The Accidental Entrepreneur is a trademark of Mitchell C. Beinhaker. Copyright 2018-2023. All rights reserved.
From "The Accidental Entrepreneur"
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