TECH Titans Season Finale on From The Ground Up
Join us for this special edition Season 4 finale as Carmen Milagro hosts a revealing round-robin interview with some of the tech industry’s most successful and mission-driven entrepreneurs & CEOs. She calls them TECH TITANS. Guillermo Diaz Jr. Former CIO at Cisco Systems and Founder of Connectados ESKOH Inventor - Port of Reception Gerardo Porteny Backal CEO at Grupo EducatHion Ed Vargas for ERG at AT&T Dr. Francisco Valle CMO for Call4USA This season finale, is based on the question if Ms. Milagro were to host a dinner party who would she invite and how would introduce them to one another? Who would YOU invite to your table? "They're all invited because from where I’m sitting they’re ALL doing extraordinary and valuable work to create opportunities for those that need them most. They are TECH TITANS who lead with their hearts and I am honored to call each and every one of them my friend!" ~ Carmen Milagro
From "From The Ground Up With Carmen Milagro"
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