Tech for Good: Innovating Sustainability in Fashion and Industry

24 Apr 2024 • 25 min • EN
25 min
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This episode is powered by Planable. Head over to and sign up for a no strings attached free trial. In this episode I chat with Alessandro Nora, co-founder of Stay, a marketplace for sustainable fashion, and MetrikFlow, a company that helps industrial companies reduce their environmental impact. Alessandro discusses the innovative approach of Stay, which combines AI personalization and sustainability to match consumers with the best sustainable fashion brands. He shares how they onboarded the first brands and secured financing through angel investors. The conversation then moves to MetrikFlow - a platform that helps companies track, measure, and improve their sustainability practices. Alessandro shares insights on how they acquired clients through cold emailing and the future plans for MetrikFlow. Find out who upcoming guests are and get my newsletter in your inbox every week, subscribe at Buying ad spots on large podcast ad networks sucks. We fixed that! Check out to learn more. Previous guests include: Arvid Kahl of FeedbackPanda, Andrei Zinkevich of FullFunnel, Scott Van den Berg of Influencer Capital, Buster Franken of Fruitpunch AI, Valentin Radu of Omniconvert, Evelina Necula of Kinderpedia, Ionut Vlad of Tokinomo, Diana Florescu of MediaforGrowth, Irina Obushtarova of Recursive, Monika Paule of Caszyme, Yannick Veys of Hypefury, Laura Erdem of Dreamdata, and Pija Indriunaite of CityBee. Check out our five most downloaded episodes: From Uber and BCG to building a telehealth for pets startup with Michael Fisher From Starcraft Player to Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value with Valentin Radu ...

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