EP. 239 - Aliza Carpio: Director of product and Tech Evangelist

25 Jan 2023 • 32 min • EN
32 min
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Aliza Carpio: Director of product and Tech Evangelist Aliza Carpio is a director of product and a tech evangelist. Whenever I think of evangelism, I think of church, but I’m pretty sure church has nothing to do with what Aliza does. She’s also on the advisory board of DevNetwork, a global community for technical professionals. We chatted about what got her into tech evangelism, her work with DevNetwork, and being a director of product.  Find Aliza on LinkedIn or visit https://creativelybrave.me/. __ TEACH THE GEEK Go to teachthegeek.com/tips for public speaking tips Prefer video? Go to youtube.teachthegeek.com @teachthegeek (FB, Twitter) @_teachthegeek_ (IG, Tik Tok)

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