EP. 247 - Dr. Tod Pascal: Nanoengineering Professor and Researcher
Dr. Tod Pascal: Nanoengineering Professor and Researcher Dr. Tod Pascal is an assistant professor in Nanoengineering at University of California, San Diego. His research involves studying theoretical and computational methods to elucidate the structure and dynamics of electro-chemical systems. Before that, he was a project scientist. Before that, he was a post doc. Before that, he was a PhD student. And he’s lived all over the world pursuing his work. We chatted about how he came to nanoengineering, in addition to how he goes about presenting such technical information. To get in touch with Dr. Pascal, email him at tpascal@ucsd.edu __ TEACH THE GEEK Check out http://teachthegeek.com/tips for public speaking tips. Prefer video? Go to http://youtube.teachthegeek.com
From "Teach the Geek Podcast - public speaking for technical professionals"
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