EP. 240: Angie Li - UX product designer and career coach

01 Feb 2023 • 27 min • EN
27 min
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Angie Li - UX product designer and career coach Angie Li is a UX master certified product designer. I don’t know what that means, so I’ll certainly ask her about what that entails. What does UX entail anyway? I often wonder if the answer depends on who you ask! She’s also a career coach for those who want to get into UX design. We chatted about how she got into UX design and what her clients can expect working with her. Public speaking also came up, too! To get in touch with Angie, visit http://angieli.com. On Instragram, her handle is @angielitv. __ TEACH THE GEEK http://teachthegeek.com/tips for public speaking tips Prefer video? Go to youtube.teachthegeek.com

From "Teach the Geek Podcast - public speaking for technical professionals"

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