TDC #232: Full Rant Analysis on Putin, Russia, China, Iran & Global Blackmail - with DAVE COLLUM
#Bitcoin #Iran #Russia #Putin #China #tuckercarlson Dave Collum - Prof. of Organic Chemistry & investigative researcher - joins me back on my show to share his full rant analysis on a spectrum of overdue topics: - The Tucker Carlson & Vladimir Putin interview - Systemic Corruption, Money Laundering, Bioweapon-Labs, Child Trafficking etc. - Systemic & global Pedophilia Blackmail Networks - Trump - Weaponization of the Justice System - Who is truly in control ? - Weakening Magnetic Field of the Earth & Micronova in 2040s & 2050s Follow Dave Collum on X: https://twitter.com/DavidBCollum Follow Keyvan Davani on X: https://twitter.com/keyvandavani Thanks for sharing this episode to your friends & family! Bitcoin-Podcast: https://anchor.fm/keyvandavani Other Podcast-Platforms you can listen to my show: Apple Podcast: https://apple.co/2IA2dhV Google Podcast: https://bit.ly/31rSymq Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2wOfq1k Breaker: https://bit.ly/2IzhiQO Overcast: https://bit.ly/2R4nnbJ Pocket-Casts: https://bit.ly/2XElbKv Radio Public: https://bit.ly/2I86iuH E-mail: kd@keyvandavani.com. Buy easily Azteco's Bitcoin-Vouchers on telegram and redeem with any popular mobile Bitcoin & Lightning-Wallet: https://t.me/BitcoinVoucherBot?start=341130685 Recommended Hardware-Wallets: Coldcard: https://bit.ly/3f6Vgq4 (use discount code DAVANI) --- Bitbox02: https://bit.ly/3iluknN (use discount code DAVANI) --- twitter: @keyvandavani linkedIn: /keyvandavani telegram: @keyvandavani instagram: /keyvandavani medium.com/@keyvandavani davani.substack.com/ Telegram: t.me/keyvandavani Support my independent educational work with Bitcoin. ---- PayNym-ID (Samourai Wallet): +summerhall1f2
From "The Davani Connection"
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