Worst Podcast Investment Ever

01 Jun 2021 • 29 min • EN
29 min
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Andrew Stotz on the 6 most common ways people lose their money.Louise Bedford MindpowerA gift of a worldwide pandemic is that it makes us question our priorities.What has the pandemic got you questioning in your own life? Are you doing things that fill you up or make you feel empty?Be open to new opportunities. Andrew StotzAndrew likes to help people create, grow, measure and protect their wealth. With a PhD in finance and a track record in business and the share market here are the most common ways people lose their money.People fail to do research, fail to properly assess and manage risk, driven by emotion or flawed thinking, they have misplaced trust, they do not monitor their investments, or they invested in a start-up.Andrew has very down to earth, practical advice for every investor. He has a special offer for Talking Trading listeners, the first 20 people who apply for Andrew’s courses will get a 50% discount.Click on this link: How to Start Building Your Wealth In The Stock Market  or go to andrewstotz.com or academy.astotz.com Image by chris s from Pixabay Know someone who would love Talking Trading? Show a friend how to register on www.talkingtrading.com.au so they can share in your passion for the markets. Trade confidently. Louise Bedford is a best-selling author and founder of www.tradinggame.com.au and www.talkingtrading.com.au. Facebook YouTube Twitter LinkedIn

From "Talking Trading - Expert trading tactics so you can excel in the markets."

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