Surrendering and Manifesting with Seph Dietlin, Conscious Leader
Join Seph Dietlin and I as conscious leaders as we share our expertise on the principles of how we surrender so that we can create everything that we desire for our life! Surrendering and manifesting are powerful elements to our inner fulfilment and happiness, as recited in the laws of nature also recognized as the laws of the universe, when we begin to fully trust where we are being guided throughout our Journey without hesitation or doubt we can begin to release this false sense of external control and begin to focus on the only thing that we do in fact have power over...which is ourselves...from our words, actions, emotions, thoughts, reactions and activations, once we begin to master ourselves we call in the magic that creates abundance which transform the way we live our lives. You are Magic, You are Brilliance, You are Life...now go and share your beauty with everyone around you!✨🤍💫🌙☀️🦄🌟⭐️. ENJOY!! You can connect with me via my website https://www.roxannechaput.com The Illumination Retreat https://www.theilluminationretreat.com In Sacred Service of Light+Love,
From "Soul to Soul with Roxanne"
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