Alexandra Kaschuta & Wolf Tivy , Subversive w/Alex Kaschuta

Wolf Tivy - Building The Best Better

15 Dec 2021 • 63 min • EN
63 min
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I chat to Wolf about Democracy, what it's missing, what it's hiding and what it can still do, we also talk about elite theory and our elites, what's wrong with them and how to create skin in the game beyond (or after) noblesse oblige. We chat about Wolf's "luxury political theory" project and building a cult to build a culture. We also speak about religion, gnosticism and transhumanism and Wolf's vision of the Bisonsphere™️ Wolf Tivy is editor in chief & founder of Palladium magazine. You can follow him on Twitter @wolftivy

From "Subversive w/Alex Kaschuta"

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