Did you know your super power might actually be the reason you"re still stuck in your destructive habits? Listen in as I unpack the superpower that we all have and how it can be used for tremendous good (i.e. growth) or damage (i.e. staying stuck). TakeawaysWe are all fantastic storytellers, often believing our own narratives.Behavior modification fails because it doesn"t address core beliefs.Our identities shape our mindsets and actions.Core beliefs stem from our upbringing and experiences.We often play the victim in our own stories.Recognizing false narratives is crucial for personal growth.We have the power to rewrite our life stories.Constructive relationships can help us see the truth.Silence and reflection are important for self-awareness.Transforming our narratives can lead to meaningful change. Chapters 00:00 The Power of Storytelling in Our Lives 02:00 Understanding Identity and Core Beliefs 05:30 The Fictional Narratives We Create 09:23 Transforming Your Narrative for Change Follow me on Instagram @ johnskomski for daily intrapreneurial motivation and learn more about Investing Inward at https://jskomski.com/ Music: Hindsight (Instrumental) by Fivefold (used with written permission) By Your Side by Caslow, Bertie Scott & Patfromlastyear (used with written permission) keywords: storytelling, identity, core beliefs, behavior modification, personal growth, narrative, mindset, transformation, self-awareness, intentional living
From "Think. Live. Repeat."
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