Sarah K. Peck & Christine McAlister , Startup Parent

Life and Loss: Rainbow Babies (Christine McAlister)

17 Dec 2018 • 67 min • EN
67 min
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#090 — Rainbow Babies When we invite life into our lives, we also invite death. Though stillbirth is fairly common (impacting about 1 in 100 pregnancies in the US) it is a painful topic of conversation. But Christine McAlister likes talking about Maeve, the daughter she lost, to keep her memory alive. In fact, Maeve inspired Christine’s business, Life with Passion. So, how did Christine move forward after a pregnancy loss? How did she make the decision to try again? And how did she birth a thriving business in the midst of it all? Today, Christine joins me to share her initial struggle with the decision to become a parent and the utter shock of experiencing a full-term stillbirth. I ask her about making the choice to try again, and she explains why she hid out for nine months while carrying her rainbow baby. Listen in as Christine explains how her pregnancy loss inspired the creation of her business—and learn her 7-step income replacement formula for aspiring entrepreneurs! FULL SHOW NOTES Get the complete show notes with episode quotes, photos, and time stamps at EPISODE SPONSOR & SPECIAL OFFER Community makes all the difference. So, at Startup Pregnant, we have launched a mastermind program for women who are interested in going deeper around questions about parenting, motherhood, and business. To apply for the Spring 2019 session and receive my free email series, go to All of our sponsor offers are available on our website for you to grab the perks and discounts offered to podcast listeners: LEARN MORE ABOUT CHRISTINE MCALISTER Christine McAlister is an entrepreneur, business coach, and best-selling author of The Income Replacement Formula: 7 Steps for Doing What You Love & Making 6 Figures from Anywhere. She is also the founder of Life with Passion where she serves as a high-level mentor for aspiring entrepreneurs, helping clients replace their income, quit their nine-to-fives, and build freedom-based businesses they love.  Life with Passion Life with Passion on Instagram Life with Passion on Facebook RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE The Income Replacement Formula: 7 Steps for Doing What You Love & Making 6 Figures from Anywhere by Christine McAlister Natalie Lucier Seth Godin’s Marketing Seminar  THE STARTUP PREGNANT PODCAST & HOST Startup Pregnant Startup Pregnant Newsletter Email Startup Pregnant on Facebook Startup Pregnant on Instagram Startup Pregnant on Twitter Sponsor the Podcast

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