SoLeadSaturday - Episode 72 - Alex Greenwood #publicrelations #communication #marketing #publishing
@Passion, People & Purpose #publicrelations #communication #marketing #publishing Hello Everyone, Alex Greenwood is a veteran public relations professional with a national reputation for effective crisis communication, public relations, marketing, social media strategy, and management consulting. Alex’s mission is to help clients solve their public image and marketing challenges with successful strategies for reaching new audiences and dealing with adversity. Alex is a speaker and trainer on numerous subjects including PR, marketing, and publishing. Since 1995, he has managed or worked on crisis communications teams during terrorist attacks, severe weather events, criminal investigations, civil legal actions, and more. He is a regular contributor for social media and communication topics on CBS television's Better Kansas City Show. Since 2010, his firm, AGPR, has managed PR and marketing strategies for clients in the entertainment, financial services, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, higher education, nonprofit, and government sectors. Alex is the producer and host of the popular Public Relations & Business podcast, PR After Hours, and the Mysterious Goings On podcast which focuses on creativity. He is the author of the acclaimed John Pilate Mystery Series, published by Caroline Street Press, and Kickstarter Success Secrets, a non-fiction eBook detailing his experience successfully crowdfunding the publishing costs of one of his books. Quick Summary: Introduction[00:18- 02:48] Passion & Interest[02:48 - 04:34] Questions from Audience[04:34 - 09:08] Fun Segment[09:08 - 13:36] Career/Work/Volunteering[13:36- 17:53] Tips/Advice/Books[17:53- 20:06] Leadership[20:06 - 27:58] Closure & Thank you[27:58 - End] So watch the complete episode - Listen to the complete episode - If you would like to connect with her please feel free to do so on @LinkedIn or @Twitter Until we meet, happy leading and let's lead together. Stay safe. Bye for now. Find me on - YoutTube - @Passion, People & Purpose Twitter - LinkedIn - Instagram - @PassionPeoplePurpose Website - Facebook - Apple Podcasts - Google Podcasts - Spotify -
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