Sohee Jun - The Inner Game for High Achieving Women | Conversations with Coaches | Boxer Media

29 Jan 2024 • 18 min • EN
18 min
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Welcome back to another episode of the Conversations with Coaches podcast. I'm thrilled to have the amazing Dr. Sohee Jun with me again. In this episode, we dive into Sohee's upcoming book, "The Inner Game," where she shares the secrets of high-achieving women for navigating work, life, and mindset. Sohee takes us on a journey through the essence of her new book, "The Inner Game." She delves into the unique aspects that make this book special, sharing insights gathered from a year-long research study. We explore the challenges faced by successful women and how the book serves as a collective guide at Sohee's metaphorical kitchen table. The conversation touches on mindset, advice, and the transformative power of connecting and sharing wisdom. To learn more about Sohee: To learn more about the podcast, please visit:

From "Conversations With Coaches"

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