Simulating Psyche: Modeling craters on a metallic world

25 Oct 2023 • 55 min • EN
55 min
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NASA's Psyche mission launched on Oct. 13, 2023 on a journey to explore its namesake, the metallic asteroid Psyche. Simone Marchi, co-investigator for the Psyche mission, joins Planetary Radio to share the creative ways their mission team is working to understand cratering on metallic worlds, including everything from computer modeling to blasting metallic meteorites with projectiles. The Planetary Society's Public Education Specialist Kate Howells will discuss the Japanese Space Agency's newest moon mission, SLIM. Then, Bruce Betts, the chief scientist of The Planetary Society, will share his experiences with crater modeling and a fresh random space fact. Discover more at:  See for privacy information.

From "Planetary Radio: Space Exploration, Astronomy and Science"

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