Silencing the Noise: Blending Focus Bear with Mental Health Advocacy in Tech - Jeremy

09 Nov 2023 • 81 min • EN
81 min
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In this episode of the Mental Health in Tech podcast, co-hosts Schalk Neethling and Schalk Venter delve into a conversation with Jeremy Nagel, creator of Focus Bear, examining the intersection of cognitive science, mental well-being, and technology's impact on our daily lives. The discussion revolves around implementing behavioral strategies to mitigate tech-induced anxiety and distraction. They navigate the nuances of utilizing digital tools like Focus Bear as a means to bolster the 'planner brain' against our more primal instincts, reinforcing the notion that self-discipline can be cultivated through thoughtful design and self-awareness practices. Furthermore, the conversation broadens to embrace the nuances of ADHD and how neurodiversity can shape our perceptions of justice and activism, emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives in addressing global challenges. This episode provides a deep dive into the art of balancing technology with human-centric approaches to foster a healthier, more focused mind. Take care of yourself while listening. We touch on sensitive topics as part of this podcast. Those topics can include mental illness, depression, suicide ideation, death, and related mental health and mental illness topics. We understand that these subjects can be sensitive and may be triggering for some individuals. We encourage you to prioritize your well-being and mental health while listening. If you feel overwhelmed or need support, please get in touch with a mental health professional or a helpline in your country. Remember, you are not alone, and there is help available. Follow the link to find the help you need. Links Jeremy Nagel on LinkedIn Focus Bear Schalk Venter on LinkedIn Schalk Neethling on LinkedIn Continue the discussion on GitHub Join the community on Slack Mechanical Ink

From "Mental Health in Tech"

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